Don't call putin a pig. Pigs don't deserve that.

Nyet Vladimir! [Youtube]

Slava Ukraini auf YouTube

Kalush Orchestra - Stefania (Official Video Eurovision 2022) auf YouTube

Oh, roter Schneeball auf der Wiese - Andriy Khlyvnyuk and The Kiffness auf YouTube

Pink Floyd - Hey Hey Rise Up (feat. Andriy Khlyvnyuk of Boombox) auf YouTube

The list of shame

A little lesson in history because it seems to repeat itself in west and east of russia:
The real name of Vladivostok ('Ruler of the East') is 海參崴 / Hǎishēnwǎi.
In reality it is a chinese city, check it's population. Imperialistic russia took it 1860.
If China re-claims it would be much more reasonable than any claim from russia related to Ukraine.

Support Ukraine


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